RSSS funds workshop for the African Studies Reading Group.

Good news from Ernest Akuamoah <>

‘So I got some money ($2800 out of the max. request of $5000) from the Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS) to organise a workshop for the African Studies Reading Group. We are expected to use the money by 9th December. I would like to thank Bernie, Gboyega, and Audrey for their input on the application—which was submitted on the deadline.
I would appreciate if you could complete this survey by next week Tuesday for the purposes of planning.’

Any queries about the Reading Group or the Workshop should be directed to Ernest.

In advising of this decision,  the interim Director of RSSS, Professor Helen
Keane, added:
‘Best wishes and thank you for your contribution to RSSS. The African Studies Reading group is clearly of great benefit to ANU and the wider research community. ‘