Why There is No Such Thing as Institutionless Politics: Lessons From Africa

ANU School of Politics & International Relations SPIR Seminar Series 2018

Why There is No Such Thing as Institutionless Politics: Lessons From Africa

Professor Nicholas Cheeseman
(University of Birmingham) will present the findings from his latest book, Institutions and Democracy in Africa: How the rules of the game shape political developments (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

Many of his interviews and insights can be found on the website that he founded and co-edits, www.democracyinafrica.org.

Thursday 5 April 2018, 12:00 – 2:00 pm

L.J. Hume Centre, Copland Building (24), 1st Floor, Room 1171
(Closest Street: Corner of Childers Street and University Avenue)

Lunch will be provided at the seminar after the Q&A session.


Feodor Snagovsky: feodor.snagovsky@anu.edu.au