In April Atem Atem will be returning to the ANU on a part-time basis to complete his PhD work on ‘Settlement Experiences of South Sudanese Families in Western Sydney’ while continuing to work at the Fairfield City Council as the Multicultural Officer
He came to Australia from Sudan in 2002 as a refugee. He completed a degree in Medical Sciences (Medical Laboratory) and worked as a Pathology laboratory technician for three years. Atem has been working with refugee and migrant communities in various roles supporting them with settlement and adjustment to life in Australia..
His post on South Sudanese youth crime can be found at
In 2017 his article ‘Basketball, soccer, AFL:the path to Successful settlement’ was published in the Winter issue of Australian Mosaic.
In April Atem Atem will be returning to the ANU to continue his PhD work on ‘Settlement Experiences of South Sudanese Families in Sydney’
His post on South Sudanese youth crime can be found at
In April Atem Atem will be returning to the ANU to continue his PhD work on ‘Settlement Experiences of South Sudanese Families in Sydney’
His post on South Sudanese youth crime can be found at
In 2017 his article ‘Basketball, soccer, AFL:
the path to Successful settlement’ was published on the
Winter issue of Australian Mosaic.
In 2017 his article ‘Basketball, soccer, AFL:
the path to Successful settlement’ was published on the
Winter issue of Australian Mosaic.