Sudan Embassy Exhibition

The above link reports a statement by Dr Baroudi, who became Ambassador for the Republic of Sudan in 2017, when he described an exhibition that opened on Monday at the Embassy.

“Sudan is seeking all the time for the common interests on a bilateral basis,” he said.

“That means if Sudan has good relations with Russia it doesn’t mean it should have bad relations with US and in this context also Sudan is seeking to have good relations with Australia in the international arena.”

Part of changing the way Australians see the country is an exhibition of Sudanese art and artefacts at the embassy in O’Malley, which will be opened on Monday night. A ceremony celebrating the inauguration of the embassy will include a Sudanese band and Sudanese cuisine. The exhibition includes a recreation of a traditional marriage ceremony, photos of the pyramids in Sudan dating back to the Kush era and other Sudanese artefacts. The ambassador and his wife, who made some of the artworks, are encouraging members of the public to visit the exhibition during business hours.”

Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan
23 Numeralla Street
O’Malley ACT 2606
Tel: (02) 6290 2635