Liberian President Sirleaf launches CAP on Post 2015 Development Agenda

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, and Chairperson of the High Level Committee on the African Common Position (CAP)on the Post-2015 Development Agenda has launched the CAP in Monrovia.
The High Level Committee (HLC) chaired by President Sirleaf was set up by the African Union during its May 2013 Summit to draft a CAP on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The HLC identified areas of priority to Africa, and committee completed its work, after which the African Union adopted the CAP on 31 January 2014. The CAP was subsequently launched by the AU in March 2014 in N’djamena, Chad.

The CAP defines six pillars that are essential to the development of Africa:
1. Structural Economic Transformation and Inclusive Growth;
2. Science Technology and Innovation (STI);
3. People Centered Development;
4. Environmental Sustainability, Natural Resources and Natural Disaster Management;
5. Peace and Security; and
6. Financing and Partnership for Implementation.

Each of these pillars is anchored on good governance and serves as a foundation for ending poverty, promoting prosperity and achieving sustainable and equitable development.

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We hope All African states will strive to attain all the six pillars agreed under the Common African Position on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.