Seminar, Friday, 2 May 2014 at 2.30 in Seminar Room A, Coombs, ANU



Integrating work and family life in sub-Saharan Africa

Zitha Mokomane

Chief Research Specialist

Human and Social Development Programme

Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa


The challenges of integrating work and family life are part of everyday reality for the majority of working families across the world. However much of the research and policy dialogue in this area has been taking place in Western countries, resulting in paucity of cross-cultural and comparative work on the subject and limiting the extent to which generalisations can be made based on conclusions of Western studies. Drawing on one of the first systematic efforts to bridge this research gap—a book entitled Work-Family Interface in sub-Saharan Africa:  Challenges and Responses (Z. Mokomane (Ed.), Springer, 2014)—this seminar will present insights into the opportunities and constraints of workers with family responsibilities in sub-Saharan Africa. Specific focus will be on factors underlying work-family conflict in the region; impact of the conflict on families; and current coping strategies. . A plausible roadmap for future research and policymaking in the area of work-family interface in the region will also be discussed.